Marlow White's swords and sabers have ceremonial blades. As such, they are built to strict military regulations to be used in drills, ceremonies, and displays. These blades are of the highest quality but are not sharpened for use as a weapon.
- Patches are not sewn onto shirt.
- 65% poly / 35% cotton permapress shirt
- Natick-certified per DA Pam 670-1
Questions & Answers
AGSU Enlisted Male Long Sleeve Shirt:
How do I know if this shirt will be long enough for my torso? The sizing options include neck and arm measurements but I typically go with a tall/long option to accomodate my longer torso/ ensure the shirt remains tucked. Are these shirts sewn with more tail than the standard issue?
How do I know if this shirt will be long enough for my torso? The sizing options include neck and arm measurements but I typically go with a tall/long option to accomodate my longer torso/ ensure the shirt remains tucked. Are these shirts sewn with more tail than the standard issue?
Question by: J.B. Turner on Jan 2, 2024, 12:39 PM
Please refer to the Male sizing chart for length & adjust accordingly to accommodate a longer torso.
Answer by: Colleen Carney (Admin) on Jan 2, 2024, 4:16 PM
I have a long sleeve shirt. The “collar tabs” are sewn in and have become bent. How can I get this fixed, I can’t seem to remove them
Question by: Michael Mazzarese on Nov 8, 2023, 8:10 PM
As they are sewn into the shirt, unfortunately they can't be replaced.
Answer by: Colleen Carney (Admin) on Nov 9, 2023, 10:42 AM
Are the AGSU long sleeve mens shirts come as tailor fitted?
Question by: alex vander hoek on Aug 13, 2024, 8:52 PM
The AGSU Long Sleeve does come in a Athletic Cut (arrows towards the waist).
Answer by: Colleen Carney (Admin) on Aug 14, 2024, 9:58 AM